Commercial Agriculture Insurance

Do not let the site name fool you.  Athena Insurance and Financial Services is operation in nearly every State in the United States. For a complete list of States in which we do business refer to our main sites’ “about” page here.

Underwriting Review and Consultation

Just like any Professional business “fact finding” is a must.  Gathering information is of utmost importance when evaluating and consulting.  And, just so that you know, we “must” have all of the information we need to begin working on your behalf.  Items that are not provided hinder our operations and waste time and money.

Underwriting must haves

  1. If, if you have current and / or prior insurance we must have “hard copy loss runs.”  These items are a loss report,  in writing , from the prior insurance carrier(s) going back 5 years. (if you have 5 years. if less than five, as many years as you have been insured up to 5).
  2. Photos of “all structures, date build, type of material used to construct, roof type and record of updates on older buildings,
  3. Copy of current policy or policies
  4. If, writing commercial auto or transportation, list of all vehicles, vehicle values, driver list, names, license numbers and dates of birth
  5. Completed application
  6. Completed specialty supplemental

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